2025 Spring Schedule
Registration available March 1st
Adult Classes
Tuition $175/ four week classes plus $50 for Clay
Our classes consist of one 3-hour class per week and an additional 3 hours of studio time per week to work on class assignments or personal projects. Clay is an additional charge and includes all firing, glazing and taxes.
All Level Throwing
Open to those with little or no clay experience.
All Level Throwing w/ Angela Neiwert
Tuesdays- April 8, 15, 22, 29
All Level Throwing w/ Jackson Flynn
Tuesdays- April 8, 15, 22, 29
Hone your throwing skills. Make a set of mugs, throw LARGE, make a lidded vessel. For those with significant throwing experience
Taught by Ruth Nelson
Wednesdays- April 9, 16, 23, 30
Learn all techniques to create 3 dimensionally.
Handbuilding w/ Angela Neiwert
Mondays- April 7, 14, 21, 28
Handbuilding & Throwing Combo w/ Bob Dix
Mondays- April 7, 14, 21, 28
Whether it’s a bust of Beethoven or your favorite spirit animal, this class will give you the skills to create both.
Wednesdays- April 9, 16, 23, 30
Youth and Family Classes
Children’s Clay Daze with Tyler Sant
Tuition $155. Open to 1st through 5th graders.
Tuesdays -April 8, 15, 22, 29
Teen Throwing with Diane Walker
Tuition $175. All Levels welcome. This class is open to middle school and high school students. Our teen artists will learn to work on the wheel, make mugs and multi-sized bowls. Handbuilding skills are also demonstrated.
Thursdays-April 10, 17, 24, May 1
Summer Program
**Registration Opens March 17th**
Youth Clay Camps
Youth ages 6-12 will join us for our themed summer clay camps.
All classes 9:30-12:00. Tuition $155
June 16-20 Around the World in 5 Days
June 23-27 Comic Book Relief
July 7-11 Follow the River Rock Road
July 14-18 Let’s go on Safari
July 21-25 And the Grammy goes to…….
July 28-Aug 1 From the Stone Age to the Ice Age
Aug 4-8 City Kid, Country Kid
Teen Throwing Camps
Youth, ages middle school and older, will learn the basics of pottery
throwing while making mugs, ice cream bowls and all things round. The
potters with more experience will design their own projects and try a set of
mugs, bowls, etc.
All classes 1:30-4:00, glaze days 1:30. Tuition $175
June 16-20 Glaze Day June 27
June 23-27 Glaze Day: July 11
July 7-11 Glaze Day: July 18
July 21-25 Glaze Day: Aug 1
Aug 4-8 Glaze Day: Aug 15
Adult 4 week classes fee: $175 plus $50 for clay
All Level Throwing:
No experience necessary
Mondays~ June 2, 9, 16, 23 9:30-12:30
Slab, coil and pinch techniques. no experience necessary
Tuesdays~ June 3, 10, 17, 24 9:30-12:30
Family Clay Afternoons
Families enjoy creating together. Fun for all ages. Tuition $50 for 1 adult
and 1 child, $10 for each addition person in your party.
June 25 Bud Vases
Aug 6 Bread Baskets
One Day Workshops
Enjoy a quick splash of creativity! These classes are designed for any level
of ability. For teens and adults. Fee $45 per person.
July 9 10:30-12:30 Butter Dishes
July 30 10:30-12:30 Bird Baths
Ceramics in the Garden ~ Fundraising Benefit for Boulder Mountain Clayworks
Wednesday July 16th
Tickets are $100 and include: Complimentary Wine cups, beverages &
great food from Ketchum Grill Pizza Truck and more!
Raffle Prizes galore!
Silent Auction: Studio Potters’ incredible creations
Live Auction: SV Nordic Ski Pass, Stanely Adventure Weekend, Garden
Totem, paddle up for BMC Intern Program
Join us the Sawtooth Botanical Garden
Guest Artist Workshop w/ Eva Champagne
The Ceramic Surface: A Freestyle Approach
All techniques will be low-tech but high-impact, meaning they can be used in any studio setting, using any clays and any firing temperature, with no need for special materials or equipment. The magic is in how we apply them, and there will be as many approaches as there are makers. Employing Eva’s “freestyle” way of handbuilding we will focus on the wall box: composing personal narrative and content through the interplay of form, texture/surface embellishment, and color.